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Universal Animal Pack 44 Serv.

Universal Animal Pack 44 Serv.


DETAILS The true original since 1983, the Animal Pak was designed to cover the broad backs of the toughest, heaviest trainers on the planet. The Ultimate Training Pack is far more than a multivitamin, but it\'s the dependable and stable foundation upon which the most dedicated bodybuilders and powerlifters base their nutritional plans since the supplement industry was still in its infancy. If you\'re training for a competition or hard When you lose weight, the first thing that happens when you don\'t take the Animal Pak is nutrient deficiencies. Why should you care? Because over time, these deficiencies only increase. Eventually, your body won\'t function optimally. In other words, you\'ll beat hit the wall, your development plateaus. Even if just one key nutrient is missing from your diet, your body could switch off the anabolic drive needed to build muscle, leaving it to support more critical metabolic processes. When this happens, you stop growing. Researches have shown that strength athletes such as bodybuilders and powerlifters have higher nutritional needs than regular athletes due to the intensity and frequency of their training programs. Studies have shown that these special needs are greatly increased for bodybuilders who must regularly compete and diet. During calorie-restricted diets (diets that tend to be repetitive and monotonous, such as rice and chicken), the potential for malnutrition increases dramatically. Even more troubling is the fact that even when receiving a regular multivitamin, championship-caliber bodybuilders still had significant nutritional deficiencies. A basic multivitamin is not enough. Competitive bodybuilders know that a superior multivitamin is the first line of defense. This fact is backed up by studies that have found that 100% of Olympic weightlifters and over 90% of competitive male and female bodybuilders use a vitamin/mineral supplement like Animal Pak.

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